Just sit in that chair

Just sit in that chair

Brother take that smile off your face

I知 telling you this cause I care

Are you worried about being Gay

But the point is why are you thinking about sex

When they致e just locked you away?


Just sit in that chair

Just sit in that chair

Brother take that smile off your face

I知 telling you this cause I care

Are you worried about being Gay

But the point is why are you thinking about sex

When they致e just locked you away?


One flew over the cuckoos nest but we bathed its victim

One flew over the cuckoos nest but we bathed its victim



Take a wash in the books that you値l read to me

You池e a patient now

But I知 going to make you a prisoner

And then they値l set you free



Take a wash in the books that you値l read to me

You池e a patient now

But I知 going to make you a prisoner

And then they値l set you free



Just sit in that chair

Just sit in that chair

Brother take that smile off your face

I知 telling you this cause I care

Are you worried about being Gay

But the point is why are you thinking about sex

When they致e just locked you away?


One flew over the cuckoos nest but we bathed its victim

One flew over the cuckoos nest but we bathed its victim



Take a wash in the books that you値l read to me

You池e a patient now

But I知 going to make you a prisoner

And then they値l set you free